Congratulations on your engagement! Whether your interest is in premarital counseling, or in having a Heartland pastor officiate at your wedding–at Heartland or another local site–here’s where you get started!

Just Getting Started / Exploring Your Options?

These four brief documents will get you the info you’re looking for!

QUICK START: The top 2-3 things you need to know as you’re exploring your options.

FEE SUMMARY: Info on our fees, when they're due & how to pay them

WEDDING COUNTDOWN: A quick overview of what happens & when in our process

MAKING A REQUEST: How & when to get us your request

Done Exploring & Ready to Make Your Request?

Click on the links below for further info and to get your request to us!


Having a Heartland Pastor Officiate A WEDDING AT HEARTLAND

Having a Heartland Pastor Officiate A WEDDING AT A DIFFERENT SITE

A Few Great Resources

Some additional info that’ll help you as you’re getting ready for your wedding day!

Making the Most of Your ENGAGEMENT

Working Out the Details of Your WEDDING CEREMONY

Being Ready for Your Wedding REHEARSAL

Enlisting HELPERS So Your Wedding Day Goes Smoothly



Jen Agena