Giving at Heartland

Thank you! Heartland exists due to your generous gifts. We appreciate your partnership with us as we seek to offer every person, in every place, all of Jesus. New to giving at Heartland? CLICK HERE and scroll down to read “Money Stuff” and learn how we think about these things.

Ready to give? There are three great ways you can join us!


Simply drop an envelope with your gift in the green boxes found around the building.


One-time Gift

Use our secure credit card processing service to give instantly using a bank or credit card. Your gift will be immediately credited to Heartland’s account.

One Time Gift


Automated Giving

You can give securely and regularly from your checking account or debit card in a few easy steps.

1. Login to myHeartland by CLICKING HERE. Select Giving, then choose repeating gift and General Fund. Complete the remaining fields and submit.

2. Don’t have a myHeartland login yet? CLICK HERE to sign up for one.

3. Once logged in, click Giving on the left hand side.

4. Click on Repeating Gift, make your selections, and submit the form.