Relationships give us a richer experience of life and faith. We all are in different seasons of life with different schedules and interests, but one thing is clear: none of us were created to do life alone. Whether you’re looking to connect with others around a similar interest, grow in your faith, heal an area of your life, or make a difference in the world, we have a Community for you

Communities are groups of 10-30 people who meet regularly at various times and places across our city. As diverse as our communities are, they all share the same heartbeat: To make space to build relationships to make Jesus first.

How Do I Find a Community?

All of our communities are ready to welcome you! Look through our options below to learn more about what each one is up to, when and how it meets, and how you can get in touch with its leaders. Then, go and visit the community to see if it’s a good fit for you! Don’t worry, nobody will be offended if it’s not! If you have questions, CLICK HERE. We’re here to help.

How Do I Start a Community?

We love helping people start new communities! If you’d like to start a community or even just learn more about how to lead one, CLICK HERE to start the process. We’ll meet with you to give you a plan, training and resources to get your community rolling. Not only will you help others find people to connect and grow with, you’ll also grow as you lead them.



Patty Johnson