Heartland is called to care for people in our city and our world by advocating for the at risk and vulnerable and addressing needs together in community. We are committed to provide training opportunities and on-ramps for people at Heartland to join in God’s mission locally and around the globe. Currently we partner with local ministries, communities, schools and churches. These organizations have a similar heart for our city and our world. By partnering together we accomplish more than we could on our own.


  • A Bright Future For Kids (ABF4K; East Africa)
  • Guatemala: Colegio Mark
  • Team World Vision

Community Needs

  • Mission Adelante
  • Adelante Thrift
  • Food Pantry
  • Gifts from the Heart
  • Olathe Schools
  • Foster/Adoption Community
  • Jail Ministry
  • Mission Southside

Contact Heartland with questions. You were created to make a difference and to reach others right where you are with the passions and interests you have. We are here to help you find the right spot to join in!


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