A.N.D. Gathering-04/07/19
Apr 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Organizer: Seth Davidson

Register Here

“Every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42)
At Heartland we are all about Jesus’ Mission to ‘Become the Church Among the Unchurched’ and we’re asking God to raise up some pioneering leaders who will join us in charting the course to develop our A.N.D. Strategy - to have a robust missional strategy A.N.D. a vibrant worship gathering.  To engage the lost who enter our doors on Sunday A.N.D. in all the places where we Live, Work, Study, & Play.  To see God’s Kingdom come here at Heartland A.N.D. to see God’s Kingdom Dreams unleashed in and through YOU!  
Please join us for our Neighborhood Dream Night -  As we prayerfully consider together what it might look like if we all committed to Adopt a Neighborhood (or Network) and Dream.   
We are sorry but childcare is full!
