[July 30, 2023]

Heartland Community Church


Hearing God When He’s Silent

By Lisa Zulke

Overestimated my importance. Check.
Underestimated God’s power. Check.
Misunderstood God’s project. And, check.

I’ve been caught in each of these traps. Most more than once. I like an excellent flashing neon sign. A clear signal. Even just a glimmer, to orient my feet toward what God hopes I see or do next. I want a wild, visible, earth-rending God to set things right, clear the way, and show me what is next. But our God comes on the breeze. Arrives in silence.

I’m learning to tune my ears to hear or even sense that still, small voice. But it has taken years of practice, many false starts, and even more false summits. There is no easy path to dialing in God’s signal. I’m sorry . . . I genuinely wish I could offer one.

It takes tuning in to the wild, earth-rending, *super quiet* rhythms of grace. God’s grace came to Elijah in ways he wasn’t seeking. God’s grace tilts the axis of the earth, and our heads, because it is so very different from what we expect. A still, small voice. The protection of a cave in a wicked storm. A mission whispered . . . clear, but oh so quiet . . . straight from the lips of God.

Once we grapple with grace and look for the unexpected in our praying, crying out, and listening for answers, we can start to pick up on it. This is where we practice and how we train. We will need keen eyes, ears, and that deep sense of knowing that comes from our souls.

Grace looks like guidance, protection, encouragement, nudges. When you experience it, take note. Like, seriously, write it down. This has helped me more than anything because I have a journal to look back on. A list to remind me how God showed up in the past. Reflecting on that list, I’m reminded that my imagination is way narrower than God’s grace in action. And my perspective on life and hard times and decisions gets right-sized again.

I’d love to hear how you train to sharpen your senses and hear God better. Iron sharpens iron, and we are better together.


The Story of Elijah

What is the story of Elijah about? For context, watch as our friends from the Bible Project explain his life and the surrounding events in this summary of 1 and 2 Kings.

Watch an Overview of 1 and 2 Kings


[Week of July 31]

1 Kings 19:9-18

Read through the verses from today and jot down everything that catches your eye or imagination. Now, read the story again, and consider what you notice about Elijah. What do you notice about God? Dan mentioned 3 traps Elijah fell into…which is most relatable to you? Assuming you are innocent? Assuming God’s in inadequate, or at least not paying attention? Assuming that judgment (on you or on your enemies) is imminent? How can you tune in to God’s still, small voice better?

Take some time this week to take note of how God has shown up in grace in your past. Consider making a list that you can keep adding to. Share this idea with a friend, and ask about how they listen for and tune in to the voice of God. Level up your training to hear him better by taking intentional time to focus on your communication with God.

We are excited to hear what happens in these moments!



{extra journey resources}

CLICK HERE to visit The Bible Project site and explore their super simple, super informative Bible videos (and other resources). You can also download The Bible Project App HERE.

CLICK HERE to get the Read Scripture App, from our friends at The Bible Project.

CLICK HERE for more on how to use the observe-reflect-apply approach to getting the most out of your Bible reading.

The Bible App Get the free YouVersion Bible for your phone, tablet, or computer. Experience the Bible anywhere, with options to highlight, save notes, and share what you are reading with others.

The Bible App For Kids YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 60 languages.

Bible Gateway Provides advanced Bible searching capabilities, which allow readers to find passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.

Please visit us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and share what you are learning, questioning or experiencing. We love conversations!


© 2023 Heartland Community Church

12175 S Strang Line Road, Olathe, KS 66062

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